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Rose was 16 when she welcomed Bella via emergency c-section and they were living with her boyfriend Ash’s family. After less than a month at home, Bella was placed in temporary foster care because the behaviour of other people sharing the house made it unsuitable housing for a child and Rose and Ash could not find alternative accommodation. As a non-Australian citizen, Rose is not entitled to government financial support and was unable to get emergency housing.
Sophie has worked with Rose as her Brave mentor for most of this year, helping with referrals to housing organisations and engaging with legal organisations regarding visas and citizenship. But through it all Bella has been the focus.
“In our very first conversation, before we set goals, she just wanted to get custody of her baby back,” Sophie said. “Every goal was framed around getting her back in their care. She has worked relentlessly and made all the right choices all the time. I am so proud of her.”
In the last few months, Rose has graduated high school (the first in her family), been accepted into university, got a full-time job and moved into stable housing. All while juggling regular visits and overnight stays with Bella.
“We wanted to break generational trauma we’ve got by letting her know we are always there,” Rose said. “My family sucks, Ash’s family sucks, but she has always known who her mum and dad are.”
“Everything I have done is for her. It will tear you apart and make you ball up in tears. And there are people who can help you but you need to help yourself too. If you don’t have the motivation and mind set you won’t get anywhere.”
Rose has achieved all but one goal – to receive her Australian citizenship. *names and details have been changed for privacy reasons