
Referral Guidelines & Form

In the core program, Supporting Expecting and Parenting Teens (SEPT) program, young people are connected to a professional mentor who assists them by developing a pathway plan to guide the young parent in working towards their goals. The program includes a focus on the participant exploring pathways to achieving their goals and being supported to take action to reduce and overcome barriers to these pathways.

The Mentor provides practical help and access to information in relation to pregnancy and parenting such as encouraging attendance at health-check appointments, providing general support and non-clinical guidance, and connecting young parents with relevant services and support suited to their personalised needs and goals. The SEPT Program is voluntary.

Brave is not a crisis service.

Priority criteria for eligibility are:

  • Age (under 19) or aged under 25 years but became a parent at 19 or under

We also consider referrals from:

  • Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CALD) young parents aged under 25 who started parenting at 21 or under
  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander young parents aged under 25 who started parenting at 21 or under
  • Parents with a disability aged under 25
  • Parents who live in a remote or rural location and aged under 25 if there are limited services available.

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