We’re Here to Help

Working With You to Support Young People

Whether you are supporting a young person as a friend or family member or as a health or education professional, Brave can work alongside you to help them achieve their goals.

The Program

What Is It?

The Supporting Expecting and Parenting Teens (SEPT) program is a unique and personalised program which matches an expecting or parenting young person with a professional mentor for 12 months. Mentors work from local hub sites, community organisations or via digital delivery.

Our mentors walk alongside participants throughout the program – from referrals and first contact, to setting goals and working to achieve them, to celebration of their achievements and graduation from the program.

Young Dads Program Pilot

We are creating a new mentoring program for young dads. The program is based on the SEPT Program but will be tailored to specifically meet the needs of young dads. 

Make a Referral

You can make a referral online as a support person or professional. Submit the form online or download it and send the completed form to

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Stories from people we have helped

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